Colored Conatact Lenses


Sunday, March 16, 2008

What You Ought To Know About Colored Contact Lenses Prescriptions

Author: Natalie Williams

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What You Ought To Know About Colored Contact Lenses Prescriptions

Many people today are overjoyed with the prospect of getting colored contact lenses. Some of them want colored contact to make them look prettier, others want them for a more startling look and others like them because they think that they make them look more knowledgeable. While it is generally quite easy to get colored contacts lenses, you need to know that you will need colored contact lenses prescriptions to get these kinds of contacts for your eyes, even if you don't need a prescription for your eyesight.

Why Do You Need Prescriptions for Colored Contact Lenses?

So, why do you actually need to have colored contact lenses prescriptions? Well, if you don't take a prescription for the colored contact lenses, it means that your eyes haven't been appropriately fitted for the lenses. Lenses that are not properly fitted to your eyes can actually harm your eyes and in come cases they could lead to loss of sight. So, in order to stop you from making a decision that could harm your eyes, it is now required by law in the USA that you have colored contract lenses prescriptions when you buy colored contact lenses.

Where Can You Get Colored Contact Lenses Prescriptions?

You will need to go to an eye doctor to get a prescription. They will test your eyes to make sure you don't need a prescription for your eyes and then if you want to get contacts you'll have to have a special fitting exam so that you get contacts that are fitted for your eyes.

What Goes on During an Eye Exam?

Since everyone's eyes tend to be different in size and shape, you have to have a special exam that will figure out what size of contacts you need. Your contacts need to fit your eyes right, so your eye doctor is going to want to measure your eye and the surface of the eye as well. Also they will check for curvature of the eye and will examine your cornea to be sure that there are no irregularities that could cause problems when you are wearing contact lenses. Usually, you will also receive a trial pair of lenses to see how they fit and feel for you.

What Types of Colored Contacts Lenses Can I Get Without a Prescription?

While you can get colored contact lenses that do not have a prescription for your eyesight, you will still have to get a special prescription from an eye doctor to make sure that the contacts you get are suited for your eyes. However, there are many different colors available especially for people who don't actually need prescription contacts, such as brown, black, blue, gray, green and violet.

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Natalie is the author of - A site with loads of tips and great deals to get colored contacts. Save $40 when ordering Acuvue 2 contact lenses at today!

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Colored Contact Lenses

Author: Lesley Lyon

Colored contact lenses can be used to change the color of the eye anytime, even one in the morning and another in the evening. Contact lenses are more useful if the color of the eye has to be strengthened, that is, green colored eye can be made greener with a contact lens. The main advantage of color contact lenses is that even people without visual problems can use colored contact lenses.

There are four types of colored contact lenses: opaque color tint, visibility tint, enhancement tint and light filtering tint. Color contact lenses come with either visual correction (called" Plano" lenses) without visual correction.

Colored Contact Lenses

Opaque color tints are also called as costume or theatrical lenses. These lenses are used in movies for special eye effects.

Visibility tint: A visibility tint is usually a light blue or green tint added to the contact lens. This color is exclusively used to help to see them better if dropped on the floor, during insertion and removal. Since they are very light, they do not affect the original color of the eyes.

Enhancement tint: As the name implies, enhancement tint is used to enhance the existing color of the eye. It is used by people who want to make the color of their eyes more intense. It is a solid translucent tint that is a bit darker than visibility tint.

Color tints: Color tints are usually made of patterns of solid colors and come in a wide range of colors like hazel, violet, blue, green and gray. They dramatically change the color of the eye and are deeper, opaque tints.

Color contact lenses are manufactured to look as natural as possible, some are available with a series of tiny colored dots on the lens and the center of the lenses are clear for visibility. A more recent development is the Light filtering tints designed for sports use since they enhance certain colors like yellow for tennis balls. Thus the ball stands out against the background making it easier to target. Light filtering contact lenses are also exclusively manufactured for golfers to distinguish between the various greens on a golf course. Other contact lenses for trap shoolers, skiers and other sports enthusiasts and even for spectators are also available.

There are certain disadvantages of color contacts. During blinking, the colored portion may slide over the pupil. To accommodate varying light conditions, the size of the pupil changes and therefore at times the pupil may be larger than the center of the lenses. At such times, the vision may be slightly affected.

Color contact lenses can be worn on a disposable basis, daily wear basis or an extended week basis. Colored contact lenses can be worn up to one week continuously before being removed and cleaned. After removal the lens must be cleaned, rinsed and disinfected well. They should be cleaned in solutions approved by the FDA and manufactured by reputable companies-never compromise on quality, never leave the lenses exposed to dust or air. While the lenses are in use a lubricating solution can be used, if recommended, to give comfort.

Colored contact lenses have all the advantages of an ordinary lens and are available both as around the clock lenses and monthly lenses. Most of the color contact lenses have inbuilt ultraviolet radiation protection that protects eyes against the sun's injurious rays. Ultraviolet blocker is provided in a clear form and does not disturb the vision.

Any persistent problem of the eye should be consulted with an eye doctor.

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The web guide on contact lenses - helps find the right eye wears that meet our specific requirements. Visit for understanding lasik surgery procedures and its advantages.

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